Our framed print are made with a beautiful classic wooden frame promises to add a touch of professionalism to your work.
To reduce production costs and increase production lead time, we print your photo on a panel, which is then installed in the previously constructed frame box. This gives a beautiful finish with a clean look and at a lower cost.
Made In North America
22 x 16 “
28 x 20 “
28 x 28 “
34 x 24 “
16 x 22″
20 x 28″
24 x 34″
28 x 40″
22 x 16″
28 x 20 “
28 x 28 “
34 x 24 “
22 x 16 “
28 x 20 “
28 x 28 “
34 x 24 “
A size comparison can greatly help to visualize and choose well depending on your needs. However, this does not replace the use of a real tape measure.
The wooden frames are handmade with a professional finish which will remain beautiful for a long time. Frames, coming in 3 different colors that can match any room in your house.
The frames are perfect for all styles of photography ranging from portrait to landscape to posters. They will bring a touch of luxury and professionalism to your photos or your work.
Our displayed prices vary depending on the size
$99,00 to $215,00
which includes evaluation of your photo, printing and shipping.
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